Women Rights in Pakistan
Women in Pakistan make 48.2% of the country’s total population according to the 2017 census, held under the regime of PMLN’s government. The status of women varies according to different classes, regions and religions.
If we take a look on the country’s history, we will get to know about many different women, who worked shoulder to shoulder with men to create an Islamic state, where everyone can be free to live and to practice their religion. Women also held some high offices in the past as Benazir Bhutto, was elected twice as PM of the country. Fehmida Mirza was selected as the first women speaker of the national assembly.
.Many such brave and courageous ladies are working in different state offices to make their country proud. These women has raised their voices for women rights in Pakistan on many different occasions. They are a very few privileged women of the country, who can make their choices and can fight for their rights.
The majority of women in Pakistan live under the shadow of patriarchy. They are not allowed to study, work or make decisions for their very own self. They become victim of forced marriages, rapes and domestic violence on daily bases. They stay silent because they were not educated to raise their voice for their own sake, they were not trained to resist and they grew up in an environment where their mothers and fellow women were constantly harassed, and their rights were violated but they had no choice than staying silent and oppressed.
Women Rights in Islam:
As an Islamic state, 97% of the population of Pakistan is made up by Muslims. Law also follows the Islamic rules and the Quran, and women are given rights according to Islam in Pakistan. Islam says women are weak as compared to men physically and emotionally but at the same time Islam allow women to be educated and to stand on their feet.
In Pakistan, patriarchal religious scholars twist and turn the teachings of Islam to push women back and keep them isolated in their homes. They use Islam to feed their fragile ego. Islam gave women the right to the inheritance, property and marriage. But in Pakistan, governments failed to implement the law according to Islam.
Extremism and hate towards women is on top nowadays. Women are constantly being harassed, tortured and deprived of their basic rights. They are forced to marry which is not allowed in Islam. They are deprived of inheritance which is also admonished in Islam. So, Islam has given women the rights to life their life but our society interprets them in the wrong way.
Women Rights in the Constitution of Pakistan:
Constitution of 1973, gives women equal rights in its various articles. Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, encourages women to come forward and contribute to the development of the country. It gives them the right to vote and to fight for prestigious posts in the state offices. It states that, there shall be no discrimination against women on the basis of their gender, race, caste and religion for government employment. It also says all the citizens of Pakistan are equal under the law.
Women are allowed to make decisions for themselves. They are allowed to work in public and privates offices. But these laws are not implemented strictly. Women are discriminated and judged by their gender. They deal with various obstacles on daily basis, at workplace, in public and even at their homes. Their rights to inheritance, property and marrige are exploited in rural as well as urban areas.
In Pakistan, according to religion and the law women are provided equal rights as compared to other citizens. Government should work hard enough to assure women that they are protected by the law. No one can exploit them or their rights. It should collaborate with organisations working for women empowerment to let them grow in a peaceful environment. More schools and colleges should be built to ensure that every women get educated and can contribute for the betterment of her country and society.